No. 2010 Deposited at

Journal: Journal of the Korean Physical Society Vol.59, pp.2515-2518, Sept. 2011 published after referee

Title: Ordering Process in Sodium Nitrite Observed by Neutron Diffractometry

Authors: H. Mashiyama*, T. Miyoshi, T. Asahi, and H. Kasano
Affiliation: Fuculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan

and Authors: Y. Noda, and H. Kimura
Affiliation: IMRAM, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan

(Received September 16, 2010)
From neutron diffraction data, the nuclear density of sodium nitrite is guessed directly by a maximum entropy method, and is compared with the results of usual least-squares calculations. The obtained nuclear density displays that the disordered NO2 molecule becomes partially ordered in the ferroelectric phase just below the transition temperature. However, the density distribution cannot be explained by a two-Gaussian function, which suggests that the ordering is not a classical stochastic process but a quantum tunneling in a double minima local potential.

Keywords: sodium nitrite, neutron diffractometry, order-disorder transition, ferroelectrics
* Corresponding author, e-mail:

450K LS-result: AXS98 data file (text 6KB)
450K MEM-result: PRIMA out data file (text 11KB)
cif (structure parameters at 450K)
433K LS-result: AXS98 data file (text 6KB)
433K MEM-result: PRIMA out data file (text 11KB)
cif (structure parameters at 433K)

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